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Hello & Welcome~!

I am going to introduce the topic of grief since this is where my Therapeutic Trainee journey began in early Summer of 2016. Grief is an innate, human emotional experience and process that rises up within a person when a loss occurs. The loss could be a job, relationship, friendship, family member based upon irreconcilable differences, pet, and even one's past self. Although, loss is more commonly identified with death, all of these losses are real and initiate the human, emotional grief process. The grief process is as unique as one's fingerprint, and should not ever be compared to another persons, in any way, at any time, for any reason. The grief and loss process is completely individual.

There is a common model that was created by the revolutionary expert of her time, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross who created the stages of Grief that may, or likely, will occur but in no specific order: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Again, I must reiterate therapeutically that these stages are a guideline for a human grief process, but this process will be as unique to each individual as one's fingerprint.

Any person who is grieving a loss of any kind may find it beneficial to reach out to local support groups, or find a local therapist who can assist one through the period of transition in life, and hold space for the emotions that emerge during a loss/grief cycle. Also, one of the world-renowned experts, David Kessler, on grief and loss can be further explored at the website: David offers resources, newsletters, live conferences, books and more on grief and loss for both professionals who support the grief/loss process, as well as individuals experiencing it first hand. I highly recommend this as a meaningful resource to anyone experiencing any sort of loss and grief. Please spread the word.

More to come on grief and loss, but for now, we have taken the first step into simple awareness of a human grief and loss process, its unique nature, and provided a resource to explore to support the individual process.

Until next time... Be kind, be gentle, be well.




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