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~*Mission of Evolution Revolution*~


Evolution revolution is supporting the human population with intuitive, centered and balanced information that fosters transformation, both personally and globally, ultimately raising the consciousness on planet earth.” 






~Dulcinea offers a platform each week that touches upon the latest trends in the evolution of humanity, and the planet that we reside upon.  Her enlightened guests enhance the show with their divine specialties, talents and unique insight, in addition to their valuable resources and wisdom for all! 




"Thank you Dulcinea for a thoughtful and informative interview.  It is obvious to me that Dulcinea deeply cares about giving tremendous value to her listeners and she does a great job of making her guests feel welcomed and respected.  Dulcinea did an exceptional job of delivering a unique interview which provides listeners with real content that will benefit many." 
 ~Peggy McColl, Author of "Be A Dog With a Bone" & "The Won Thing," and several other books.



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